Summer Enrichment Classes
in Santa Monica for students entering Transitional Kindergarten through 6th grade
Monday, June 23 - Friday, July 25, 2025
Closed July 4
2025 Location:
Franklin Elementary School
2400 Montana Avenue, Santa Monica
Registration opens on Monday, March 3 at 7:30am
You will need to manually refresh this page after 7:30am on March 3rd
for the registration button to appear.
You must fill out the Medical Information Form during registration. You will need the name and contact info for your child's doctor and dentist, the name of your insurance company, and information about allergies and medications.
Summer Adventure is a 5-week enrichment program offered in Santa Monica.
We are a collaboration of the Santa Monica-Malibu Council of PTAs
and the Santa Monica Education Foundation.
We run one program for students entering grades TK-6.
Students sign up for all five weeks of the program.
After camp care is provided by SMMUSD's Child Development Services (CDS).​
The CDS childcare program will operate from 12:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
NO before-school childcare will be available. No financial assistance will be available for childcare.
CDS's afternoon childcare program has a general schedule, but activities can vary within each day. Students will have access to arts and crafts, a variety of outdoor activities, and enriching indoor opportunities such as puzzles, games, blocks, and more. There is always a teacher and an assistant with the students, and there will be time for students to eat lunch and snack (students need to bring their lunch each day; CDS only provides a daily snack).
The link for signing up on the waitlist will go live on Monday, March 3rd on this website.
Enrollment is limited and will be on a first come–first served basis, determined by the date
you complete the online request through the Summer Adventure portal.
There is an additional $100 non-refundable registration fee for each child.
If families have re-enrolled in CDS for the 2025/26 school year, this fee will be waived.
After-Care Questions? Contact Terri Demuth, SAP@SMMUSD.org or call (310) 399-5865 Ext.79528
Enrollment is limited and will be on a first-come, first-served basis,
determined by the date you complete the online request.
​Because Summer Adventure is a separate program from the CDS after-care program,
we regret we cannot offer refunds due to any potential after-care limitations.
Summer Adventure offices will open from
March 3 through July 25, 2025.
Email and phone messages received outside this time frame may remain unanswered for some time.
310-450-8338 x70420